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JavaScript eBooks

Get Programming with JavaScript Next
Get Programming with JavaScript Next

Great code is readable, bug-free, and maintainable. Modern JavaScript aka JavaScript Next, makes it much, much easier to write great applications. New features introduced in ES2015 simplify the structure of your JavaScript projects and radically streamline async-oriented tasks like writing reactive applications and microservices. Get Programming with JavaScript Next introduces you to the new features included in the ES2015-and-later JavaScript releases. You'll learn example by example in 34 short lessons, each designed to drive home a specific skill. The coverage is complete: you'll explore new language syntax, declarations, and data types. You'll structure code with modules, replace callbacks with promises, and use classes instead of constructors. Every time you turn a page, complete an exercise, or study a carefully crafted illustration, you'll be one step closer to JavaScript mastery. ...
Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms, 3rd Edition
Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms, 3rd Edition

A data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer to utilize resources efficiently. Data structures and algorithms are the base of every solution to any programming problem. With this book, you will learn to write complex and powerful code using the latest ES 2017 features. Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms begins by covering the basics of JavaScript and introduces you to ECMAScript 2017, before gradually moving on to the most important data structures such as arrays, queues, stacks, and linked lists. You will gain in-depth knowledge of how hash tables and set data structures function as well as how trees and hash maps can be used to search files in an HD or represent a database. This book serves as a route to take you deeper into JavaScript. You'll also get a greater understanding of why and how graphs, one of the most complex data structures, are largely used in GPS navigation systems in social networks. Toward the end of the b ...
Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3
Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi 3

This book is designed to introduce you to IoT and Raspberry Pi 3. It will help you create interesting projects, such as setting up a weather station and measuring temperature and humidity using sensors; it will also show you how to send sensor data to cloud for visualization in real-time. Then we shift our focus to leveraging IoT for accomplishing complex tasks, such as facial recognition using the Raspberry Pi camera module, AWS Rekognition, and the AWS S3 service. Furthermore, you will master security aspects by building a security surveillance system to protect your premises from intruders using Raspberry Pi, a camera, motion sensors, and AWS Cloud. We'll also create a real-world project by building a Wi-Fi - controlled robot car with Raspberry Pi using a motor driver circuit, DC motor, and a web application. This book is a must-have as it provides a practical overview of IoT's existing architectures, communication protocols, and security threats at the software and hardware leve ...
Jupyter Cookbook
Jupyter Cookbook

Jupyter has garnered a strong interest in the data science community of late, as it makes common data processing and analysis tasks much simpler. This book is for data science professionals who want to master various tasks related to Jupyter to create efficient, easy-to-share, scientific applications. The book starts with recipes on installing and running the Jupyter Notebook system on various platforms and configuring the various packages that can be used with it. You will then see how you can implement different programming languages and frameworks, such as Python, R, Julia, JavaScript Scala, and Spark on your Jupyter Notebook. This book contains intuitive recipes on building interactive widgets to manipulate and visualize data in real time, sharing your code, creating a multi-user environment, and organizing your notebook. You will then get hands-on experience with Jupyter Labs, microservices, and deploying them on the web. By the end of this book, you will have taken y ...
Simplifying JavaScript
Simplifying JavaScript

The best modern JavaScript is simple, readable, and predictable. Learn to write modern JavaScript not by memorizing a list of new syntax, but with practical examples of how syntax changes can make code more expressive. Starting from variable declarations that communicate intention clearly, see how modern principles can improve all parts of code. Incorporate ideas with curried functions, array methods, classes, and more to create code that does more with less while yielding fewer bugs. It's time to write JavaScript code that's clean and expressive. Modern JavaScript is simpler and more predictable and readable than ever. Discover how to write better code with clear examples using principles that show how updated syntax can make code better with fewer bugs. Starting from the ground up, learn new syntax (or how to reuse older syntax) to transform code from clunky bug-susceptible scripts to clear and elegant programs that are easy to read and easy to exten ...
Mastering Modular JavaScript
Mastering Modular JavaScript

Tackle two aspects of JavaScript development, modularity and ECMAScript 6 (ES6). With this practical guide, frontend and backend Node.js developers alike will learn how to scale out JavaScript applications by breaking codebases into smaller modules. Author Nicolas Bevacqua also covers features in ES6 - the latest version of the specification that includes JavaScript - that support modularization. If you're a frontend developer or backend Node.js developer with a working knowledge of JavaScript this book is for you. It's ideal for semi-senior developers, senior developers, technical leaders, and software architects. ...
Learning Web Design, 5th Edition
Learning Web Design, 5th Edition

With the release of HTML5 and browsers that constantly update, HTML is experiencing a renaissance. CSS3 and the recent upgrades to JavaScript have also helped change the way we build striking and useful sites today. If you're new to web design, the thoroughly updated 5th edition of this no-nonsense guide provides everything you need to know to create professional websites. Ideal for beginners seeking a design-centric introduction to HTML and related standards, this practical book helps you: Learn the site development process from start to finish; Create a simple (X)HTML page, including links and images; Explore text formatting, colors and backgrounds, page layout, and more in CSS; Get your pages on the web, with information on hosting, domain names, and FTP. ...
Reactive Programming with RxJS 5
Reactive Programming with RxJS 5

Create concurrent applications with ease using RxJS 5, a powerful event composition library. Real-world JavaScript applications require you to master asynchronous programming, and chances are that you'll spend more time coordinating asynchronous events than writing actual functionality. This book introduces concepts and tools that will greatly simplify the process of writing asynchronous programs. Find out about Observables, a unifying data type that simplifies concurrent code and eases the pain of callbacks. Learn how Schedulers change the concept of time itself, making asynchronous testing sane again. Find real-world examples for the browser and Node.js along the way: how about a real-time earthquake visualization in 20 lines of code, or a frantic shoot-em-up space videogame? You'll also use Cycle.js - a modern, reactive, web framework - to make a new breed of web applications. By the end of the book, you'll know how to think in a reactive way, and how to use RxJS 5 to b ...
Front-End Reactive Architectures
Front-End Reactive Architectures

Learn how to use reactive architectures on the front-end. There are many technologies using a reactive approach on the back end, but this book teaches you how the reactive manifesto can be used to benefit your front-end programming as well. You will discover what reactive programming is, what the current front-end ecosystem looks like, and how to use a range of frameworks and libraries. You will also apply specific reactive architectures in your own projects. Each concept is taught with a mix of technical explanations and real-world code implementations. The future of front-end programming and architecture is reactive - don't get left behind: Add Front-End Reactive Architectures to your library today. ...
Learn JavaScript with p5.js
Learn JavaScript with p5.js

Learn coding from scratch in a highly engaging and visual manner using the vastly popular JavaScript with the programming library p5.js. The skills you will acquire from this book are highly transferable to a myriad of industries and can be used towards building web applications, programmable robots, or generative art. You'll gain the proper context so that you can build a strong foundation for programming. This book won't hinder your momentum with irrelevant technical or theoretical points. The aim is to build a strong, but not overly excessive knowledge to get you up and running with coding. If you want to program creative visuals and bring that skill set to a field of your your choice, then Learn JavaScript with p5.js is the book for you. Code from scratch and create computer graphics with JavaScript and the p5.js library; Gain the necessary skills to move into your own creative projects; Create graphics and interactive experiences using Processing; Pro ...
The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs
The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs

Learn everything you need to master the AdonisJs framework, including topics such as interacting with a database, rendering templates, writing asynchronous code, and hosting sites with SSL. Along the way, you'll see how to build a commerce application, which lists products and allows shoppers to register and purchase those products. The site will feature a product catalog, a shopping cart, user registration and login, and profile management. The Definitive Guide to AdonisJs also covers how to create a front-end build chain, so that you can use a modern front-end framework, such as React. You'll discover how to connect your front end to the server, so that data and transactions can be shared between the two. Finally, you'll see how to secure and deploy the application to a virtual private server, including how to apply for and install an SSL certificate and start accepting payments. After reading and using this book, you'll know all you need about AdonisJs. You'll have the tools t ...
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