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Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk

While it's always been possible to run Java applications on Amazon EC2, Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk makes the process easier - especially if you understand how it works beneath the surface. This concise, hands-on book not only walks you through Beanstalk for deploying and managing web applications in the cloud, you'll also learn how to use this AWS tool in other phases of development. Ideal if you're a developer familiar with Java applications or AWS, Elastic Beanstalk provides step-by-step instructions and numerous code samples for building cloud applications on Beanstalk that can handle lots of traffic. Learn how to use Beanstalk with the Eclipse IDE, Hudson for continuous integration, and several AWS tools for load balancing, auto scaling, storage, and other services. ...
OSGi in Action
OSGi in Action

OSGi is a Java-based framework for creating applications as a set of interconnected modules. OSGi lets you install, start, stop, update, or uninstall modules at execution time without taking down your entire system. It's the backbone of the Eclipse plugin system, as well as many Java EE containers, such as GlassFish, Geronimo, and WebSphere. OSGi in Action provides a clear introduction to OSGi concepts with examples that are relevant both for architects and developers. You'll start with the central ideas of OSGi: bundles, module lifecycles, and interaction among application components. With the core concepts well in hand, you'll explore numerous application scenarios and techniques. You'll learn how to migrate legacy systems to OSGi and how to test, debug, and manage applications. ...
Learning Java, 4th Edition
Learning Java, 4th Edition

Java is the preferred language for many of today's leading-edge technologies—everything from smartphones and game consoles to robots, massive enterprise systems, and supercomputers. If you're new to Java, the fourth edition of this bestselling guide provides an example-driven introduction to the latest language features and APIs in Java 6 and 7. Advanced Java developers will be able to take a deep dive into areas such as concurrency and JVM enhancements. You'll learn powerful new ways to manage resources and exceptions in your applications, and quickly get up to speed on Java's new concurrency utilities, and APIs for web services and XML. You'll also find an updated tutorial on how to get started with the Eclipse IDE, and a brand-new introduction to database access in Java. ...
BIRT: A Field Guide, 3rd Edition
BIRT: A Field Guide, 3rd Edition

More than ten million people have downloaded BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) from the Eclipse web site, and more than one million developers are estimated to be using BIRT. Built on the open source Eclipse platform, BIRT is a powerful report development system that provides an end-to-end solution - from creating and deploying reports to integrating report capabilities in enterprise applications. This book is an essential resource for users who want to create presentation-quality reports quickly. The extensive examples, step-by-step instructions, and abundant illustrations help new users develop report design skills. Power users can find the information they need to make the most of the product's rich set of features to build sophisticated and compelling reports. ...
Aptana RadRails
Aptana RadRails

A comprehensive guide to using RadRails to develop your Ruby on Rails projects in a professional and productive manner. Aptana RadRails is an Integrated Development Environment for Ruby on Rails projects. Built on top of the well-known Eclipse platform, RadRails provides all the tools you need to create a whole Rails application from a single interface, allowing you to focus on the creative part of the development as your IDE takes care of the mechanics. ...
Android Developer Tools Essentials
Android Developer Tools Essentials

Android development can be challenging, but through the effective use of Android Developer Tools (ADT), you can make the process easier and improve the quality of your code. This concise guide demonstrates how to build apps with ADT for a device family that features several screen sizes, different hardware capabilities, and a varying number of resources. With examples in Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, you'll learn how to set up an Android development environment and use ADT with the Eclipse IDE. Also, contributor Donn Felker introduces Android Studio, a Google IDE that will eventually replace Eclipse. ...
Learning Android, 2nd Edition
Learning Android, 2nd Edition

Want to build apps for Android devices? This book is the perfect way to master the fundamentals. Written by experts who have taught this mobile platform to hundreds of developers in large organizations and startups alike, this gentle introduction shows experienced object-oriented programmers how to use Android's basic building blocks to create user interfaces, store data, connect to the network, and more. Throughout the book, you'll build a Twitter-like application, adding new features with each chapter. You'll also create your own toolbox of code patterns to help you program any type of Android application with ease. ...
Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA
Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a commercial Java development tool which competes with the free Eclipse and NetBeans projects. It is an integrated development environment (IDE) designed to automate parts of the coding process; to support a large number of different frameworks, tools, and targets; to work with multiple languages; and not to get in the way of the developer's work. IntelliJ IDEA also does a good job of keeping up-to-date with the Java platform, subject to the expense of keeping current with the latest product version. A practical guide that will provide you with concepts and clear step-by-step exercises to help you understand and improve your performance. Through this guide, you will be able to extract more from IntelliJ IDEA 12. ...
Gradle Effective Implementation Guide
Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

Create Gradle build scripts from clear examples. Write build logic with the Gradle build language. Compile, test and check your Java, Scala and Groovy applications. Write your own custom tasks and plugins. Use Gradle on continous integrations servers Jenkins, TeamCity and Bamboo. Integrate Gradle with Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. ...
OSGi and Apache Felix 3.0
OSGi and Apache Felix 3.0

Build a completely operational real-life application composed of multiple bundles and a web front end using Felix. Get yourself acquainted with the OSGi concepts, in an easy-to-follow progressive manner. Learn everything needed about the Felix Framework and get familiar with Gogo, its command-line shell to start developing your OSGi applications. Simplify your OSGi development experience by learning about Felix iPOJO. A relentlessly practical beginner's guide that will walk you through making real-life OSGi applications while showing you the development tools (Maven, Eclipse, and so on) that will make the journey more enjoyable. ...
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