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SVG Essentials
SVG Essentials

Scalable Vector Graphics -- or SVG -- is the new XML-based graphics standard from the W3C that will enable Web documents to be smaller, faster and more interactive. This insightful book takes you through the ins and outs of SVG, from the basics to more complicated features. Whether you're a graphic designer looking for new tools, or a programmer creating and managing graphics, this book provides a solid foundation. ...
Building Web Applications with SVG
Building Web Applications with SVG

Dive into SVG - and build striking, interactive visuals for your web applications. Led by three SVG experts, you'll learn step-by-step how to use SVG techniques for animation, overlays, and dynamic charts and graphs. Then you'll put it all together by building two graphic-rich applications. Get started creating dynamic visual content using web technologies you're familiar with - such as JavaScript, CSS, DOM, and AJAX. ...
Learning Python Data Visualization
Learning Python Data Visualization

The best applications use data and present it in a meaningful, easy-to-understand way. Packed with sample code and tutorials, this book will walk you through installing common charts, graphics, and utility libraries for the Python programming language. Firstly you will discover how to install and reference libraries in Visual Studio or Eclipse. We will then go on to build simple graphics and charts that allow you to generate HTML5-ready SVG charts and graphs, along with testing and validating your data sources. We will also cover parsing data from the Web and offline sources, and building a Python charting application using dynamic data. Lastly, we will review other popular tools and frameworks used to create charts and import/export chart data. By the end of this book, you will be able to represent complex sets of data using Python. ...
SVG Colors, Patterns & Gradients
SVG Colors, Patterns & Gradients

As a vector graphics format, SVG uses precisely-defined geometric shapes to build an image. But that doesn't mean that SVG graphics have to look like technical drawings. SVG graphics can be shaded, textured, built from partially-transparent overlapping layers, or even filled with photographic images. SVG Colors, Patterns, and Gradients takes an in-depth look at the different ways SVG text and shapes can be painted on the screen or page. You'll start with an overview of how color is defined, including the various ways you can control the transparency of SVG content. You'll then dive deep into the concept of an SVG paint server: gradients, patterns, and other complex graphical content that can be used to fill-in or outline other SVG shapes and text. ...
Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5
Using SVG with CSS3 and HTML5

Using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for illustrations only scratches the surface of this format's potential on the web. With this practical guide, you'll learn how to use SVG not only for illustrations but also as graphical documents that you can integrate into complex HTML5 web pages, and style with custom CSS. Web developers will discover ways to adapt designs by adding data based graphics, dynamic styles, interaction, or animation. Divided into five parts, this book includes: SVG on the web: Understand how SVG works with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to define graphics; Drawing with markup: Learn the vector language of x and y coordinates that let SVG create basic and custom shapes; Putting graphics in their place: Use the coordinate system to draw SVG shapes and text at different scales and positions; Artistic touches: Explore how color is used, how strokes are created and manipulated, and how graphical effects like filters, clipping, and masking are applied; SVG as an application: ...
Getting Started with D3
Getting Started with D3

Learn how to create beautiful, interactive, browser-based data visualizations with the D3 JavaScript library. This hands-on book shows you how to use a combination of JavaScript and SVG to build everything from simple bar charts to complex infographics. You'll learn how to use basic D3 tools by building visualizations based on real data from the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority. Using historical tables, geographical information, and other data, you'll graph bus breakdowns and accidents and the percentage of subway trains running on time, among other examples. By the end of the book, you'll be prepared to build your own web-based data visualizations with D3. ...
Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development
Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development

If you're an experienced developer seeking to break into the sizzling mobile game market, this is the book for you. Covering all mobile and touchscreen devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android, and WP7.5, this book takes you through the steps of building both single- and multi-player mobile games. Topics include standard patterns for building games in HTML5, what methods to choose for building (CSS3, SVG, or Canvas), popular game engines and frameworks, and much more. Best of all, code for six basic games is provided, so you can modify, further develop, and make it your own. ...
Learning HTML5 Game Programming
Learning HTML5 Game Programming

HTML5 will transform web and mobile gaming. As new browsers rapidly adopt it, HTML5 will do everything "legacy" technologies such as Flash and Silverlight have done - and much more. In Learning HTML5 Game Programming, pioneering developer James L. Williams gives you all the knowledge, code, and insights you'll need to get started fast! Williams combines detailed explanations of HTML5's key innovations with examples, including two case study applications that address the entire development process. ...
Website Optimization for Retina Displays How-to
Website Optimization for Retina Displays How-to

Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results. Create high-resolution graphics for websites. Learn to create scalable graphics using CSS, SVG, and Canvas. Embed fonts from the web for creating unique typography and graphics. Learn how to add high-resolution icons and startup images to your web apps. Implement scripting techniques to replace your images with high-resolution versions. ...
HTML5 Hacks
HTML5 Hacks

With 90 detailed hacks, expert web developers Jesse Cravens and Jeff Burtoft demonstrate intriguing uses of HTML5-related technologies. Each recipe provides a clear explanation, screenshots, and complete code examples for specifications that include Canvas, SVG, CSS3, multimedia, data storage, web workers, WebSockets, and geolocation. You'll also find hacks for HTML5 markup elements and attributes that will give you a solid foundation for creative recipes that follow. The last chapter walks you through everything you need to know to get your HTML5 app off the ground, from Node.js to deploying your server to the cloud. ...
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